Sunday, April 20, 2008

Boy Meets Classroom?

First things first, I LOVED Boy Meets Boy. I think it's a fantastic novel that portrays a loving relationship, complete with struggles, flirtation, and even meeting the parents for the first time. The characters are completely relatable, the language is beautiful, and the story just pulls at my heartstrings. But I am confused about how to use this book? Could it be used for a project or a discussion in my classroom? What age group would it be for? I feel like it would have to be for high school students, and it is definitely a romance novel in a lot of respects. Would boys at that age be receptive to it? I feel like this is something I could definitely have in my library, but I do not know how I would implement it in my curriculum. Any suggestions?


Tiffany Marie said...
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Tiffany Marie said...

Kate, I definitely agree with you- I also loved Boy Meets Boy. I think that other children or adults whether their sexual identity is gay, bisexual, or straight, will be able to see similarities from the relationships they have had with their lovers. Even when I read this book, I completely forgot that these love partners were both young teenage boys- I was too involved in the story itself, not on the gender of the characters. Everyone can relate to the crushes that evolve into flirting, dating and eventually becoming relationships. Children will also see the struggles and heartbreaks that are associated with relationships. Even though I personally think that this book is great, I also think that it could bring a lot of controversy if it was brought into a classroom. I think that I would also need more experience with this type of literature or talking with professionals before answering your questions. However, I do think that this book could potentially be used by explaining different kinds of relationship with friends, family, lovers, and the relationship with yourself. That way, the story line is not just based on the gay relationships, but also be sure to explain this concept. Since this books mentions a lot of language with mature words that discusses gay issues, I agree with you that it should be used in a high school setting. I am not sure if I would use this in my classroom because like yourself, I am not sure how I would incorporate it with a specific curriculum.